The 30 Most Delicious DIY Donut Recipes (2024)

Why is it that “donut” (or “doughnut” if that’s how you spell it) sounds so much like “do not”? Probably because these decadent morsels are packed with butter and sugar and a slew of other ingredients your doctor advises against. But listen: Diets are overrated, and we deserve a donut or two every now and again. So take your pick from the 30 mouthwatering dunkables below. If you’re feeling guilty, top off your indulgence with our favorite seven-minute workout. These hole-y edibles are totally worth it.

1. Homemade Glazed: These take less than 30 minutes to make. We repeat: These take less than 30 minutes to make. (via Pioneer Woman)

2. Cinnamon Baked: Cinnamon is packed with antioxidant power, so feel free to coat these guys twice. (via Ina Garten)

3. Pumpkin Cinnamon Sugar: Offset the savory pumpkin flavor with the sweet spice of cinnamon sugar. (via Buns in My Oven)

4. Homemade Chocolate Glazed: We can’t resist dipping these already chocolate-smothered hoops into that bowl of extra chocolate glaze. (via Everyday Occasions)

5. Nutmeg Donuts with Berry Icing: A flavor combination so unique (and delicious), it’s gotta be made at home. (via The Vintage Mixer)

6. Krispy Kreme Copycat: Got a thing for Krispy Kremes, but somehow can’t find them anywhere? Make them yourself! (via The 350 Degree Oven)

8. Apple Cider: An apple cider donut a day keeps the doctor away, right? (via Desserts for Breakfast)

9. Cherry Donuts With Vanilla Glaze: These baked donuts will satisfy both your tart and sweet teeth. (via Shugary Sweets)

10. Chocolate With Butterscotch Glaze and Salted Almonds: We recommend enjoying these à la mode. (via Free Eats)

11. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Glazed: Here’s a donut/chocolate-chip-cookie hybrid we can’t wait to sink our teeth into. (via Oh She Glows)

12. Banana Bread Breakfast: We will happily eat this for breakfast every day. (via Chocolate Covered Katie)

13. Sweet Potato: These count as a vegetable, right? (via Brave Tart)

14. Chocolate Holes: We don’t know about you, but as kids, we were known to hoard all the chocolate donut holes from the box of Dunkin Donuts’ Munchkins. But if we make these, we promise to share them with you… maybe. (via Smitten Kitchen)

15. Gluten-Free Candy Filled: In our delusional minds, gluten-free anything means guilt-free. Especially when it comes to these candy treats. (via Tartelette Blog)

16. Triple Chocolate Whole Grain: Calling all chocoholics. We’ve got some triple-cocoa, whole grain goodness coming your way. (via Eat Good 4 Life)

17. Birthday Cake: Happy birthday to us! We’ll be ditching the cake and blowing out candles atop these bad boys. (via Ari’s Menu)

18. Lemon Poppyseed: We can’t wait to dip these in our morning cup o’ joe. (via The Novice Chef)

19. Peanut Butter Cream Filled: We’re at a loss for words on this one. They’re that delicious. (via How Sweet it Is)

20. Orange Sugar Fried Holes: These just might be the easiest-to-make donut holes we’ve seen yet. And they’ve got a touch of citrus to boot. (via Sunny Anderson)

21. Brown Butter Baked: The brown butter adds a lovely toasted flavor to these baked (not fried!) donuts. (via Joy the Baker)

22. Baked Funfetti Donuts: What’s not to love about funfetti? And if you want to claim guilt-free, these are baked. So go for it. (via Sally’s Baking Addiction)

23. French Crullers: Don’t mind if oui do! Put your French skills to the test in the kitchen with these light and airy treats. (via Epicurious)

24. Chinese Crullers: These twofer treats remind us of butterflies that will hopefully fly straight into our mouths. (via She Simmers)

25. South African Deep Fried Pastry Braids: These cruller-like treats are coated in a ginger-cinnamon-spiced glaze. We’re sold. (via My Diverse Kitchen)

26. Chocolate Glazed Nutmeg and Chai Tea: This spread takes tea time to a whole new level. Pinkies up! (For a place to put your donut, of course.) (via Delicious Shots)

27. Chocolate Cake With Marshmallow Fluff and Coconut: The dyed coconut flakes act as a flavorful substitute to sprinkles. Genius. (via Diet Hood)

28. Baked Lemon With Lemon Glaze: You know the saying: “When life hands you lemons… ” Well, if you’re sick of lemonade, go for these double-lemon donuts instead. (via Leanne Bakes)

29. Strawberry Baked: These fruity bites have chunks of real strawberry in the donut AND icing. (via Plant Food Fabulous)

30. Cookie Butter: For those unfamiliar, cookie butter has the consistency of Nutella and peanut butter, and it tastes like cookies and graham crackers. Enough said, right? (via Savory Simple)

What’s your favorite donut of all time? Tell us below.

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Miranda Eifler

Miranda is a Brooklyn, NY-based runner, maker, adventure-seeker and risk-taker in the kitchen. She has a thing against Tuesdays, loves a good glass of wine, and wishes time would just slow down. Find her at

The 30 Most Delicious DIY Donut Recipes (2024)


The 30 Most Delicious DIY Donut Recipes? ›

Use real cake flour – not DIY cake flour!

What type of flour is best for making donuts? ›

Flour: All-purpose flour is the dough's structure. You'll be tempted to add more and more flour as you mix the dough, but don't. You want a very soft, pillowy dough for soft, pillowy doughnuts.

Is cake flour or all purpose flour better for donuts? ›

Purchased cake flour will yield light and delicate doughnuts, just like the ones from a good bakery. DIY substitutions don't really cut it. AP flour will not create doughnuts with that same soft texture. Bleached cake flour will work best.

Is bread flour better than AP flour for donuts? ›

While all purpose flour works well for this recipe, I much prefer bread flour because of the extra gluten. More gluten means more of a chew and I love a soft and chewy donut! Both can be substituted one for another in this recipe. If you happen to have bread flour, I'd recommend using that for best results.

Why are my donuts not fluffy? ›

To make light and fluffy donuts, make sure that your dough is properly risen by allowing it to rest in a warm place until it doubles in size. Also, avoid overmixing the dough as it can lead to a denser texture. Handling the dough gently and not overworking it will help maintain the desired fluffiness.

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